A recent gift to the Historical Society was an autograph book that belonged to a young Fairview girl who graduated in 1929. How sweet some of the sentiments were –......Read More
Yesterday there was a military burial in the Fairview Cemetery. An honor guard, taps, a 21-gun salute, all to pay tribute to a man who had devoted his life to......Read More
The Commencement booklet is a wonder. Time spent reading it is well spent. The booklet is simply full of facts! Here’s what it says about Ruhl’s Store:  ...Read More
Actually, the Fairview Hardware (in the featured photo it is the building on the extreme right), is probably the oldest continuing business in the township. According to the school commencement....Read More
Whoops! The recognition of Women in History Day nearly went by without a mention… it was yesterday, March 8. The following are a few of Fairview’s outstanding women…. The...Read More
The 1926 publication that served as a Fairview High School Commencement booklet included some interesting history… small reviews of businesses, in particular. Two auto garages were include...Read More
The Historical Society is fortunate to have in its collection most of the old school publications, such as the one featured here. It is the Commencement publication from 1926 and......Read More
Fairview Borough and Township had quite a few businesses that are long gone… That’s understandable, given that times change. A blacksmith, for instance, isn’t needed much...Read More
The recent post showing the freshmen class (a guess was 1935, but in fact, it was the class of 1938) prompted some responses. We are pleased to show a group......Read More
One of this website’s “friends” passed along a contact name for “Operation Griswold,” which was mentioned here in a pre-Christmas post. The owner of the house in Princess Ann, Fred.....Read More
What’s this? Around Fairview, the raceways where baby trout (a.k.a. “fry,” shown here) are living and growing are not familiar sights. Five exist, four in Fairview Township around Middle R...Read More