Congratulations to the Fairview Community Council, which is celebrating 70 successful years of service to Fairview. It is a unique group, one that was called “the most interesting I have......Read More
The Steering Committee for the Fairview Borough Centennial Celebration had quite a week. Everyone was satisfied – everyone! – that this had been a celebration to be proud of. &n...Read More
The day after the final festivities was a let-down, although some folks were still infused with the fun and emotion of the previous several days. This was certainly the way......Read More
It’s Saturday,August 24, 1968. The day is sunny and warm. It’s the last day of the BIG event in Fairview, the celebration of 100 years of existence as a borough. ......Read More
On Friday, August 23, 1968 of Fairview’s Centennial Festival the first event of the day was a pet show, beginning at 12:30 p.m. at the Fairview Elementary School. The Republican......Read More
On the fourth Thursday, 50 years ago, the fabulous centennial activities resumed, after the previous weekend’s selection of queen and a ball in her honor. The queen, Gail Loper, was....Read More
At long last after a year’s worth of planning, the kick-off event is here! On Saturday, August 17, 1968, the queen who will reside over all the festivities is chosen. ......Read More
On Saturday, August 18 and Sunday, August 19, the Sturgeon House at 4302 Avonia Rd (Rte 98) will be visited by Able Company of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment. They......Read More
The buttons, mentioned in a recent post about the Centennial activities, are on display at the Sturgeon House as part of the summer exhibit about the celebration. The exhibit will......Read More
One of the many fun events of the Centennial Celebration was the beard contest to be held on Friday, August 23, 1968. This contest was announced early in the year......Read More
By mid July the Centennial committee was finalizing several events. Meetings continued every week with reports and updates from various groups. On July 8 the Garden Club reported on the......Read More