This week our long-awaited booklet has arrived from the printer and now is available for sale. The title is Lake Shore Memories and includes two sections. The first, called “Early Years at Lake Shore,” is the personal story of Bob Hayes and his family while living in the subdivision. Bob was the kind of person who would get things done and George Taylor, the owner of all the Lake Shore land, assigned him quite a few tasks. The second part of the booklet is the history of the area, according to records at the Sturgeon House… the land, the dairy, the theater, White Swan Civic Center, Manchester School, the subdivision, etc.
The following is an excerpt from Bob Hayes’ memoir…
Bob Wilbur, the President at the time, came to me with a dilemma. All those nice
trees and shrubs planted on the new streets back in the twenties and with very few houses in
the area at the time had created a great place for young bucks and their ladies to park.
And frankly, they were leaving a lot of messes in the area. Bob (Wilbur), knowing that I
had been an MP in the Air Corps for awhile, wondered if I would be interested in being
a constable in the area….
Bob Hayes was, but had to use his own car to patrol, 20 hours a week. Then he was informed by the state police that he would need to wear a uniform, have a badge, a light for the car and a pistol.
George Taylor heard about this and gave Bob a call. Bob wrote: “While he was easy-going and quiet, he wasn’t that way over the phone. ‘This is Taylor. Get up here.’”
It turns out that George Taylor had some guns and gave one to Bob to keep that he could carry during his patrols. That was the first of many encounters the two men had.
Lake Shore was the first subdivision in Fairview Township and sits on ground that has a long history. The booklet, Lake Shore Memories, includes many photos and is indexed. The cost is $15.00. An order can be placed through PayPal, by check, or in person. The cost to mail the booklet is an additional $5.00 for a total of $20.00.
However, on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m., volunteers are in the Sturgeon House and can assist anyone who comes in to buy a booklet.
No buy now option for the new book
Hello John, I am helping to rework the store front. Stand by!
I grew up in Lake Shore from the late 50’s to the early 70’s with one move in between, and I would love to get this book. I have a dilemma though because I live in Colwyn Bay, Wales, U.K. now. Shipping would be much more than $5.00. Would anyone be willing to get it to me if I pay the extra shipping. My family, the Wyche’s, even rented the Hays family’s house while our house was being built in lower Lake Shore. Thank you!
Hello Joan, I am helping to rework the storefront and hopefully, we will be able to ship across the pond. Stand by!