In 1947, 16 years after the Firemen organized, Mrs. Eric Paulson and Mrs. Elmer Hinkle wondered why the women couldn’t organize as well. They had seen other firemen’s auxiliary units from nearby communities marching in parades and participating in their various firemen’s activities.
Many of the wives of the Fairview Firemen already were assisting their husbands in their duties. As an organization they raised money for fire equipment as well as for equipping the kitchen in the fire hall, provided food to the firemen when they returned to the fire hall after a call, and helped with the firemen’s big fundraiser, the annual picnic. While the men sponsored a Boy Scout Troop, the auxiliary sponsored a Girl Scout Troop.
Mrs. Hinkle served as the first president, presiding over 19 charter members. Mrs. Paulson was president the second year. By 1968, the year of the Borough Centennial, 26 women were proud members of this Auxiliary.