Recently a visitor to the Sturgeon House donated several issues of the Community News.  These included the very first issue, dated November 15, 1921.  The visitor explained that the News was produced by the school and written by students with the purpose of bringing the borough, township and their respective school districts into closer harmony, “and advance the cause of education for all.” 

The staff included Charles Weislogel as Manager, Adella Struchen was the Editor and Helen Peffer and Cora Struchen were the Assistant Editors.

Only one school existed in the borough at that time.  It was located on the site of the present-day post office and it housed all the borough students, grades 1 – 12.  It was called “The Union School.”  In the township four two-room schools were in operation. 

Page 1 of that first issue included news of a school fair (second annual, the article stated).  It took place in the Heuer House (Treasure Island) on October 13 of that year.  Not only vegetables were on view, but so were classroom compositions, penmanship, etc.  The entertainment was provided by the students, which was followed by an athletic contest on the school grounds.  The PTA ladies served a supper at 5 p.m.

Alongside that story was a report on the Borough election, the township election and a PTA meeting.  Business also was assigned space on page 1 with the “New Hardware Firm” opening under new owners: Leo Getz and Sherwood Buseck. 

There were plenty of ads about local businesses (Asmus, Haucks, Ruhls, Brubakers, Fairview Evergreen Nursery, Hayes, Weislogels, Grossholz, etc.,) and a few jokes to fill in the spaces: Father – Where were you last night?  Son – Oh! Just riding the boys around. Father – well, tell the boys after this to take their hair-pins with them.

And, there were social columns – from Avonia, South Fairview and “Local.”  Four 8 ½ by 11 sheets of paper held quite a bit of news.  The first issue certainly seemed to serve its purpose. (And no mention of price!)

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